These Jobs Are Most Likely To Recover From The Pandemic
Although the US economy is still experiencing a labor shortage amidst sky-rocketing inflation rates, the prospects do not seem too dire for certain professions. Even following the aftermath of the global pandemic, some industries are showing promising signs of making a full recovery.
By the year 2030, many industries will flourish and grow, but certain jobs will perform better than all others. there is no fear of a recession shortly, as experts are expecting the healthcare support industry to grow from 23.1% by 2030.
The online trading marketplace LendingTree analyzed the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data on nearly 760 jobs to make predictions for the year 2030. They expect almost every industry except for office & administrative support and sales & production jobs to grow by 2030. The services of healthcare workers will be in higher demand to serve the aging population of the country.
According to the findings of Lending Tree, some jobs including medical and health services managers, nurse practitioners, and health specialties teachers are within the top 10 in terms of projected growth. The jobs of medical and health services managers show signs of growing by over 30% by 2030. The people who work in these sectors will have a better power dynamic to demand and negotiate higher wages in the future.
These jobs will have the best pandemic recovery outlook:
Medical and health services managers
The number of workers is predicted to grow by 32.5% by 2030, with an average number of annual job openings of 51,800. The median annual wage in 2021 was $101,340. Lending Tree assigned them a score of 100.00
Financial managers
The number of workers is predicted to grow by 17.3% by 2030, with an average number of annual job openings of 64,200. The median annual wage in 2021 was $131,710. They scored 99.67 on the Lending Tree analysis.
Nurse practitioners
The number of workers is predicted to grow by 52.2% by 2030, with an average number of annual job openings of 26,000. The median annual wage in 2021 was $120,680. Their score was 97.20.
Management analysts
The number of workers is predicted to grow by 13.7% by 2030, with an average number of annual job openings of 99,400. The median annual wage in 2021 was $93,000. Management analysts scored 96.35.
General and operations managers
The number of workers is predicted to grow by 9.4% by 2030, with an average number of annual job openings of 229,600. The median annual wage in 2021 was $97,970. They show a score of 95.25.
Health specialties teachers, postsecondary
The number of workers is predicted to grow by 24.3% by 2030, with an average number of annual job openings of 30,800. The median annual wage in 2021 was $102,720. The score for this profession was 94.62.
Computer and information systems managers
The number of workers is predicted to grow by 10.9% by 2030, with an average number of annual job openings of 42,400. The median annual wage in 2021 was $159,010. Lending Tree assigned them a score of 94.33.
Market research analysts and marketing specialists
The number of workers is predicted to grow by 22.1% by 2030, with an average number of annual job openings of 96,000. The median annual wage in 2021 was $63,920. They had a score of 94.25.
The number of workers is predicted to grow by 8.9% by 2030, with an average number of annual job openings of 46,000. The median annual wage in 2021 was $127,990. Lawyers scored 92.74 on the Lending Tree analysis.
Construction managers
The number of workers is predicted to grow by 11.5% by 2030, with an average number of annual job openings of 38,900. The median annual wage in 2021 was $98,890. The score for this profession was 92.30.
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