Let your professional network lead you to your next big career opportunity
Do you feel like your job search is becoming a medieval Knight’s quest? Are there many a dragon to slay and many a marsh to cross? Then, you might be going about your job search in the wrong way. The right job-searching strategies will make your job-search journey a whole lot easier and faster. One of the best job-searching strategies, if you ask us, is networking.
What happens if you don’t talk to your professional network before entering a job search?
Sure, going in alone and facing the challenges of the US job market may feel exhilarating at first. But when it comes to your seventh week of unemployment in the middle of the winter, you will not be feeling the same way. Instead of trying to brave the job world alone, get the help of your professional network.
You will begin to rely heavily on job boards
Online job boards are accessible to you and millions of equally talented professionals all over the world. The downside of this? Every new job opening will be flooded with applications within mere minutes of popping up. Without a referral or recommendation from someone from your network, you will be just another resume in the pile.
You will not have a support network
Whether it is to vent about the struggles of searching for a job or to talk about the hottest new job openings in town, you need a support network. Without a helpful network of friends, family, and colleagues, you are more likely to get discouraged earlier on and settle for just any job that comes your way.
You will walk into interviews half blind
Whatever information you can find out about an employer through the internet is equally accessible to you and the other four candidates being interviewed. If you want to make a better impression on the interviewer, you need some insider information about the company culture, ongoing projects, management styles, etc.
Your cover letter will be just another letter
A strong cover letter presents a referral from a mutual connection in the first few lines. If you don’t tap into your network before applying for a job, your cover letter will look like everyone else’s – a brief letter highlighting a few achievements. There won’t be a chance for you to form a bond with the hiring manager.
Networking doesn’t have to be a huge burden on you
When you think of the word “networking,” it sounds too professional and almost impersonal. Instead, think of it as interacting with the people you know and being there for them. When you are on a networking journey, the first thing you should do is support those in your professional network.
You don’t need to make grand gestures to show support. It can be little things such as cheering on a friend for getting a promotion, attending a fundraiser organized by a colleague for a good cause, giving a recommendation to a former colleague on LinkedIn, or even sharing your ideas on a hot topic in the industry with your LinkedIn connections.
Such small actions will help you strengthen the bond you have with your professional network. Then, when you are in need of a little help during your job search, a simple message saying, “Hi, I’m looking out for new opportunities in [industry]. Let me know if you happen to know of an opening.” Will do the trick.

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