Legal assistant resume guide

Getting a job as a legal assistant is a lovely opportunity. Who would not love the mean and crazy salary? A legal assistant has a handsome salary and has a broad and bright scope almost all the time. People with a different career or educational background can also apply for the job position of a legal assistant. This is best for people who do not want to get into law school but wish to try out the legal career path. You don’t need a specific law educational background for being a legal assistant. However, some skills are required to bag this position!

If you wish to create a resume for a legal assistant job position, then we have some constructive tips for you right here. These are going to boost your chances of getting the job, whether you have a law educational background or not.

Action Verbs:

Your resume as a legal assistant needs to portray dynamism. This can be done by using action verbs. A well-written CV does not have dull and repetitive verbs in them. If you want to boost your CV, then you need to use action verbs which reflect you as an energetic and professional person. The way you write and communicate with your hiring manager, through your resume, is going to set some high chances for you. Therefore, here are some action verbs suggestions’ that will be helpful for you while crafting a legal assistant resume:

â—Ź Spearheaded

â—Ź Implemented

â—Ź Managed

There are a lot of action verbs that can be used to set an impression that is worth it. Your writing style reflects your personality. Thus, using the right words can make your CV extremely compelling.

Work Experience Section:

Now that you know that your writing style can boost your chances; you need to emphasis on your work experience section. A very creative work experience section can act extremely persuasively. It can magnetize the hiring manager towards giving you a call for the interview.

We highly suggest you to backup your experiences with statistics to make it sound professional and high quality. For instance, you can write:

“Managed to decrease missed appointments by 10%, through attorney calendar organisation.”

Instead of writing “attorney calendar management or organisation”, you can tell the impact your duty had on the company or the lawyer (whatsoever).

The effectiveness that your CV can have for the hiring manager is the core element of winning chances of bagging a job. Here are some examples that can help you in building up your work experience section:

â—Ź Number of cases that you have been able to juggle on a weekly or monthly basis

â—Ź Management of a law firm budget

â—Ź Number of documents that you drafted per week

â—Ź Percentage of cases that involved your contribution by any means

These little things might seem like duties and can be written as “case management” or “budget management”. But when you back these up with percentages or stats, you create the next level of effectiveness of the recruiter.

An Epic Introduction:

We can never underestimate the power of a killer introduction. This is the first thing that the recruiter goes through. You have to make it attractive enough for the hiring manager. You are aiming at capturing his/her attention so that they go through your CV patiently instead of setting it aside. Therefore, we recommend you to read through beginner, intermediate and highly experienced legal assistant resumes. Going through samples will help you understand what a well-written introduction looks like. We suggest that you spend a reasonable amount of time to craft a professional and killer presentation.


Your resume is your asset to get that job that you have your eye on. It is not an easy task to make an incredible and attractive CV. But it is not impossible either. You can easily manage to write a resume that magnetizes the hiring manager by following these tips. They might seem little, but they have a significant impact on the recruiter and can set an epic image of you too.

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