How to Write Resume Bullet Points that Wow Hiring Managers
How to Write Resume Bullet Points that Wow Hiring Managers
When writing a resume, you should aim to deliver concise information that is impactful and grabs the attention of even the busiest recruitment professionals. The bullet points you add to your resume play a crucial role in this.
Did you know that hiring managers tend to skip over text-dense paragraphs in favor of concise bullet points? This is why we always iterate that impactful bullet points make the difference between getting rejected from a job application and being called for an interview. So, let’s have a look at what you must do to achieve the perfect bullet points to describe your contributions impactfully on a resume.
Lead with strong action verbs
One of the easiest ways to grab attention of readers is to start your resume bullet points with string action verbs. Use action verbs to describe your exact involvement in the task or the achievements that you are describing. Most of the time, these action verbs will also double as important keywords that get you seen by the right employer.
Be specific in your descriptions
The more specific you are when writing bullet points, the more unique your resume will be. Instead of vague sentences that tell potential employers that you improved processes or reduced costs, write specific descriptions that show them exactly what you did to achieve those results. You can also use the STAR format to narrate complex accomplishments simply on your resume.
Cut out the fluff
Take a good, long look at your resume bullet points. Do they seem a little bit too long? That is probably because there are unnecessary filler words that don’t add any real value to your resume. If you want to write impactful bullet points, you must ensure that you eliminate all the long and empty phrases.
Use numbers to quantify
Adding tangible evidence for your successes is of the utmost importance when writing resume bullet points. Without quantified results to back them up, your achievements would be nothing more than mere statements. As professional resume writers, we find that numbers make your accomplishments more memorable and concrete.
Consider the tenses
The consistency of tenses must stay uniform throughout your resume. We encouraged using past tense for your previous jobs and present tense for your current position. Don’t let the tenses get mixed up throughout the body of your resume. You get to improve the readability of your resume significantly when you maintain the consistency of the tenses.
Employ the right terminology
One of the easiest ways to stay consistent while writing resume bullet points is to use the right job-specific keywords. Certain concepts that take several lines to explain can easily be summarized in a short industrial phrase. Always keep in mind that you should use language that the recruiter would understand when you write your resume bullet points.

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