How to build momentum for your career change
There comes a point in many professionals’ lives when they feel that their current career is not rewarding anymore. When it comes to this point, nothing short of a career change can make them feel better in most cases. Career changes are motivated by a desire for personal growth, a shift in personal values, or a relentless search for better opportunities. Whatever your reasons are for a career change, we are here to tell you how you can build momentum for this big transition.
Understand yourself
The first step in your game plan should be a comprehensive self-assessment. Take as long as you want for this step, because it is going to reveal your career values, career goals, strengths, and weaknesses. Use your self-assessment to find out what you are passionate about and what you enjoy doing. You can get the help of a career coach or a life coach for this step. There are also many career tests, personality tests, aptitude tests, and skills assessments you can take to obtain definitive results.
Identify your target industry
Next comes one of the most important steps: deciding where you want to go. You can’t enter a job search without a clear idea of where you want to go next in your career. It’s crucial that you identify your target job title and target industry first. Then, you can conduct research to learn everything you can about your target industry. Use company websites, blogs, industry thought leaders, and newsletters to strengthen your knowledge about the new field. LinkedIn will also be a valuable tool for your research.
Connect with people
Networking should be an important step in your game plan when planning to shift careers. Make powerful connections in your target industry before it is time for your job search. That way, you will have a few allies in the sector willing to provide referrals and recommendations for you when you need them. You can attend industry events such as workshops, conferences, and meetups to meet new professionals and connect with them. Also, LinkedIn is a great tool for networking, no matter your target industry.
Bridge the gap
Now, it is time for you to upskill yourself so that you have the qualifications to perform at a high capacity in your target industry. Use your self-assessment to identify gaps in your knowledge. Then, you can use online courses, certification programs, or additional training to gain the skills that you lack. Industry-specific certifications and licenses will give you the expertise and add value to your resume during a job search.
Start applying
Once you have completed all these steps, you will feel confident enough to step into the job market in search of great opportunities. Select your job opportunities wisely and start applying. Stick to a job search schedule to keep track of your applications. Finding a job after a career change can be tough, so you will need to be persistent and stay motivated.
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