Easy ways to grow your career this year
Do you want 2024 to be the year that you flourish in your career? Then, you are not too late. There are still nine and a half glorious months left to cross out on the calendar. You can achieve a lot within these months when you put your mind to it. Here is how you are going to start your journey of career advancement this year:
List out three priorities for your day
Daily habits can make a lot of changes in your life when followed diligently. If you are having trouble with sticking to your to-do lists, setting priorities is a trick that will work for you. Get to your desk a few minutes before work starts and list down three things that you want to achieve by the end of the day. Then, all you must do is get them down the first thing after you start work.
Create a mini-schedule
Do you have five minutes to spare before the clock hits nine? Then, use those five minutes to plan out your entire workday. Create a mini daily schedule for yourself and list the tasks that you want to get down. Then, allocate a time interval for each task so that you know when to start and when to stop. This can save you a lot of time wasted during the day due to indecision.
Take on additional responsibilities
You must show initiative if you want to advance in your career. Sticking to your schedule and getting your tasks done makes you a good doer, not a leader. Show initiative by asking for responsibilities outside your daily duties. Soon, you will be handling complex projects that will make you an ideal candidate for the next promotion.
Shadow someone
Request to shadow a senior coworker during your spare time at the office. They don’t have to hand over serious projects to you. Something small like attending a meeting that you’d normally not attend, or being a part of a marketing pitch for stakeholders that you haven’t met yet are good starts. This will train you to take on more responsibilities and put you in the line for a promotion.
Take a class or two
You will need additional qualifications to become a manager. Take online classes and courses to help you move up the career ladder. If your company offers training and development opportunities, get the full use of them. You can even attend seminars and webinars to expand your knowledge about the industry.
Subscribe to important publications
Are there important publications that tackle current events and issues in your industry? Then, you definitely want to be a part of their audience. Read and subscribe to things in your industry so that you have a good understanding of the tide changes. This will help you be better prepared to handle any challenges and obstacles that will come your business’s way soon.
Attend networking events
Career advancement does not have to happen through your company alone. You can branch out on your own in search of better opportunities. This is where your professional network can help you. Attend industry networking events to build and expand your professional network. These people will be the first to let you know when an exciting opportunity comes to play in their arena.

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