5 things you need to do before an online job interview
You applied for an amazing job out of state, and finally got a call from the employer! They want to interview you, but through a video call. You’re glad it’s virtual because who wants to travel two states over for a job interview? But also a little bit nervous because this is your first virtual interview. You don’t need to worry. Thousands of others have done job interviews successfully via video call technology, and we have just the right tips to help you get in the zone before the big event!
Find a quiet corner for the interview
There are candidates who select a coffee shop or an outdoor park for virtual interviews. There are many challenges when you try to make a video call from a busy place. A coffee shop can get too crowded and noisy, and there is a chance that a kid will be blowing soap bubbles right in your video call background in a park. Our advice is that you should opt to make a video call from your house. You will need to select a quiet place in your home to have your virtual interview. Make sure you select a spot that is less likely to get disturbed by your partner, kids, or pets.
Spruce up the background you’re going to use
The interviewer who talks with you will be able to see you and your background clearly. Therefore, it is vital to clean and arrange the place a little. Imagine bragging about your organizational skills to an employer when you have a giant mess right behind you! It is best if you can select a room with solid-colored walls to avoid distracting the interviewer. If you are into home décor, you may have just the spot for this already, with a few houseplants arranged artistically on a shelf.
Give it a test run
You will contact the HR department of the employer to schedule the virtual interview. Once you call them, be sure to ask which platform you will be using for the call. There are many video calling tools available today such as MS Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet. Ask the HR representative whether there are any special requirements for downloading and logging onto the platform they have selected. Whatever you do, don’t wait until 5 minutes before the arranged meeting time to click on the link! Do a test run the day before and make sure you get everything right, such as the camera angle and scope, audio, and video.
Dress professionally
That means, putting on some real pants instead of your jammies. You may think that since the employer will only see your torso, a nice shirt is enough. But imagine if you have to get out of your chair to escort your toddler out of the room during the interview. You do not want your whole future office to know that you like wearing hello kitty pajamas! Besides, dressing well is one of the best confidence boosters for any interview.
Put your phone on silent
You can also activate the Do Not Disturb mode on your laptop to ensure that no notifications pop up during your interview. You can put your phone on silent but keep it nearby in case you need to call the employer during a technical malfunction of the video call. Simply putting your devices on DND isn’t enough. You need to alert your family/housemates that you are not to be disturbed until the interview is over.
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